Growth Strategy & Prospects
APR’s journey over the past 25 years has been an
acclaimed one, full of proud achievements and of
immense satisfaction. This period, that saw the origin of a
small partnership firm, also witnessed its transformation to
a medium sized company with a capability to deliver large
and complex works in the infrastructure field.
APR’s strategy is to become the preferred leader in all
segments of infrastructure industry with specific emphasis
on Irrigation, Railway and Road sectors. APR aims to
provide services in the entire gamut of Infrastructure
domain from consultancy to construction to project
management to asset maintenance.
Substantial investment in the Infrastructure sector is a
prerequisite to sustain the present unprecedented growth
in Indian economy. As per recent studies, the projected
investment in Infrastructure development for the years
2009 - 10 to 2013 - 14 is over $700 billions. The share of this
investment in Irrigation, Railway and Road sectors stands
at 32.70%. We at APR, with our core competencies
coupled with uncompromising attitude towards quality
and timely delivery, strongly believe that APR can be an
active partner in the economic and social transformation of
the nation.